Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yesterday's Experiment

Last week I participated in a few of the virtual labs on the subject of photography. There were lots of tips on camera settings (I will not use the flash, I will not use the flash) as well as some awesome tips of that Photo Shop program that I only utilize 1% of its capabilities.

So, I had posted a new handbag last week,

Wood Handle Handbag in Garden Maze Linen Red

and after hearing the phase (Don't settle for bad photo!) I purchased white fleece fabric for a background, I dragged out the tripod, waited for the morning sun, turned off the flash and took about 200 photos.

After about an hour of trying to figure out that magic wand feature, I have the following before and after photos to share...

In my Before Photo, (on the left) I can now see graininess and too much shadow on the background, (and yes I did settle on the photo)...

....and on the right, the After Photo, which I think came out sharper and I like the way it looks as if its floating:

I noticed that after I changed the photos that I saw the number of views increase...not a lot, but it was a few more hits after a few days with zero views.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Wow! What a difference in photos. Mine are a mess. I need to figure out how to work with photoshop, lighting....everything. I see so many beautiful photos and I hope to someday get mine that great. Yours is awesome! Good job.