Saturday, January 3, 2009

Resolutions, Resolutions...

It's the 3rd of January, and I have yet to start on my list of 2009 Resolutions. I did go back and find my Resolutions from 2007 & 2008 and discovered the following:

  • In 2007 I created a list of 11 Resolutions

  • Of the 11 Resolutions in 2007 I achieved 2 of them

  • In 2008 I created a list of 8 Resolutions

  • Of the 8 Resolutions in 2008 I achieved 1 1/2 of them, (but I guess 1/2 doesn't count?)

  • In comparing the two lists of resolutions, it appears that the resolutions I didn't complete (attempt/achieve?) in 2007, were duplicated on my list of 2008 resolutions (a total of 7 resolutions).

So how are my resolutions for 2009 shaping up? As I glance at the two previous list, I have a feeling that those 7 resolutions in one form or another, will appear on my 2009 list. To summarize, there are two categories that will be repeated, specifically Financial Planning and Health, a new one will include relationships and a possible fourth category will be to make time and be productive with my hobbies.

...only 362 days left, better get started.

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