Monday, August 18, 2008

To Storque or Not To Storque - Part 2

The other day I posted on the topic of purchasing two weekend spots on Etsy's Storque Showcase. I decided that I was going to keep track of hearts, sales and views (however I forgot to track the views from the previous week). I also participated in the Saturday Night Special, (I ran a 20% off on my Words of Wisdom Collection To further complicate things, I also listed an item, but since it has only received 4 views as of this morning, I am going to guess that it was not a major draw to my site.

So the results are:

Sales - 0

Favorite Seller Hearts - 7 (I believe one was from the SNS)

Views (since this past Saturday) The first column is the previous views (* denotes the Words of Wisdom Items), the second column is the number of views as of this morning:

14 / 51
9 / 16
31 / 40
19 / 33
11 / 14
58 / 62
22 / 24
26 / 29
74 / 82*
66 / 73*
282 / 285
120 / 123
73 / 78*
85 / 92*
90 / 95*

So what are the lessons that we have learned? Well as a comment from Silver Canyons: Personally, I think it would be better to relist one or two items a day. That will keep you active and get people to see your store more frequently that just showcasing for a day. At $0.20 a pop to relist, it sounds like the better way to go. Think of how many items you can relist. It would be way cheaper than dropping $7-$15 dollars just hoping someone see's you shop. I personally never even look at showcases. Just my humble opinion :):)
Silver true...Sigh

1 comment:

Rascallion said...

Sorry to hear that the Showcase didn't really pan out for you. I think your math with relisting is probably bang on.

Your work is so lovely, I really love the "Believe in you" pendant.
Cheers and keep at it ;)